Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Environment Assignment - Concept Art

Some concept art pieces for the environment assignment. They were created by photobashing images together, and putting terrible filters over the top to make them look less like photos. I know, I suck at concept art, but like I said, there's always room for improvement. There isn't much going on in the scenes, but that was mainly because I wanted to rough out what the actual environment would look like, instead of what was in it. Our initial idea, you can see, was to have some sort of overpass or highway in the environment to provide shelter. A final concept art piece was created based off the final environment.

Environment Assignment - Reference and Planning

So over the past 6 weeks I've been working on a group assignment at the AIE. The task was to create an environment, and our group was the Mad Max group (i.e. the post-apocalyptic scene will be filled with rusty, old junk stuff). I collected reference images and ideas of what kind of elements our environment might have. The reference sheet includes images such as abandoned and rusty hangars and factories, old oil tanks and scaffolding, as well as other things like some of Aaron Beck's World War Machines, and some old computer junk, an old projector, and anything else you might find in that kind of environment.

Other reference sheets: