Monday, October 27, 2014


Haven't done any non school related art for a while now, thought I'd paint a face. I don't normally like drawing people though, but she turned out pretty good. Took me way longer than it should have, because I got distracted.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Production Assignment - Retopology

Working quickly, up to retopo of Grunge the Orc already. Finished his body super quickly and efficiently thanks to Zbrush's Zremesher, now I'm up to his face.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Production Assignment

Haven't updated in a good long while, but I've had a lot of stuff on. Our production assignment is basically the real deal: we get a client and they give us a project to complete. Ours is based around the [yet to exist] game, Vengeance Fairy, where we must make a trailer for it. Long story short, the past couple of weeks have been doing a Pre-production assignment, where we basically just did all the planning and concepting for the actual production. Now that that's finished,  I can start modelling and working with my group on the actual project. Started on one of the characters in the trailer, an orc. Work in progress, but nearly finished. This is Grunge.