Friday, November 28, 2014

Foo Dog

Another WIP on my foo dog. Gave him a pedestal type thing to sit on, and working his little beardy parts on his chin. Also gave him a fancy tail, but I've still got a while to go before I'm finished. Rendered with Zbrush's BPR renderer, with a Chalk shader, to make it look like stone. Starting to finish off old projects before I start anything new.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Modelled a Canon 600D. Not 100% accurate, but about as close as I could get. Will do a turntable soon and post that as well. Rendered in Maya with Arnold.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Foo Dog

WIP on a Foo Dog. Started this last night, did most of it today. Later on I'll pose him and give him a little ball to put his paw on, and a little base too. Hopefully I'd like to get this 3D printed once it's done and use it as a paperweight. Yes, I will get around to finishing the World Snail and The Couple and all my other projects... eventually.

Production Assignment - Lily and Grunge

Lily and Grunge are complete, and on their way to being animated. just a couple of stills showing the model and some of their blendshapes for the trailer. We're on track to completion!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Finished off modelling my piano, and just chucked some basic Arnold shaders onto it, couldn't be bothered putting too much effort into it, as I'd have to probably retopo and unwrap it then. Rendered out a diffuse/beauty pass, then an ambient occlusion pass separately, and composited it quickly in Photoshop by chucking the AO on an Overlay layer, which really helped darken those shadows and make the colours pop.

Saturday, November 8, 2014


Randomly decided to start modelling a grand piano, for no apparent reason other than that I wanted to. Still a WIP, I still have to model the inside of it, and give it some pedals, which shouldn't take too long. Then I have to texture it, and I think I might make a turn table just because I can.