Friday, May 29, 2015

Character Assignment - 3D Proportions

Started modelling Cindy in 3D, did a quick basemesh in Maya and then took it to Zbrush. Quickly getting the proportions right. Soon I should do a quick low poly so that I can rig and animate her, before polishing her up and chucking her in the game engine. Here are some progress shots.

Character Assignment - Final Colour Concept

Final coloured concept piece of Cindy. This will be the final design I go with, as well as the colour scheme I am using. Alternate colours are shown in the colour palette but the colours in the concept are the ones that I'm gonna go with. Couldn't be bothered putting in any effort with the shading though, it's mostly just flat colours just to get the colour scheme out there and done with.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Character Assignment - Concept 2

Another colour concept I did, this one a little different. She has a helmet! (probably wont be in the final design.)

Character Assignment - Silhouettes

Just started doing some silhouette sketches to see which shapes look good. I definitely want the pointy boots, the not-so-tight skirt/dress thing, the belt, and the mini jetpack and gun. the only part I'm really unsure about is the shoulder pad things, whether I should go with the ring ones or the full padded pointy ones. I'll get to that eventually I guess. I did some silhouettes of poses to get some idea of what the character is like, and then added some values over the top to define separate shapes and explore ideas further.

Character Assignment - Thumbnails (with notes)

Just reviewed and critiqued my own thumbnails, added notes. Next step is to do silhouettes and figure out the final design.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Character Assignment - Thumbnails

This is technically supposed to come before the concept art, but oh well. Just a couple alternate costume designs and exploring ideas for gun and jetpack designs. For the final concept I might mix and match a bunch of the different costume designs.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Character Assignment - First Concept

Finished the first concept piece for my character assignment. Gave her a name: Cindy. Also, gonna be super annoyed if this concept isn't approved.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Character Assignment - Concepting Phase

Starting on our next assignment, we get to choose from two themes: Retro Scifi and Victorian Cowboy Dandy. I'm gonna do Retro Scifi, and I've already starting forming ideas about my character. I jokingly threw together a super dumb concept sketch of this astronaut type pin up girl who has a little raygun. More serious concept art will come in the future.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Environment Assignment (Flythrough)

Here's the [really bad] flythrough video of my environment. No music, poor angles, but it was my first time at creating a video in engine and I'd pretty much given up at that stage.

Environment Assignment (Textures)

I'm gonna dump all the textures I used. There was pretty much no modularity in my level, so there are a lot of textures.