Monday, May 16, 2016

Jiro The Crabman - Finished

Finally finished him off, posed him, threw him into Keyshot and got some alright renders out. Here they are.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Jiro Update

Haven't been working on my art for a while for many reasons, decided I need to push myself more and I wanna finish off my crabman model in the next couple of days. Pretty much in the final stretch now; just gotta do the fine details like pores and wrinkles, then pose him, touch him up, make some pants for him in Marvelous Designer and then take the finished model into Keyshot for some renders. For now here's some progress shots from inside Zbrush.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Jiro The Crabman

Working on a 3D version of my old drawing of Jiro The Crabman. Trying to push myself out of my comfort zone by modelling different body types and working on specific features such as Asian eyes and realistic facial features. Still in early stages, but he's coming along well. WIP and concept underneath.

Ballerina 2.0

I've been on a little hiatus from art, but starting to slowly get back into it. The goal of this year is to have a fully polished portfolio to apply for jobs with. Recently I rendered out some different versions/angles of my ballerina model, mainly for portfolio use. Check out my porfolio here: