Friday, September 19, 2014

The World Snail

Started a new project already, even though I haven't finished The Couple yet, but I didn't realise how quickly I would get through this, so I'm about halfway finished already. I've modeled and posed the snail along with its shell, and started working on some textures, although I'll either need to start using 3DCoat (which I've never used) to paint over the seams, or make some textures in Photoshop, because at the moment the seams are showing. Using Arnold to render, will do a turntable once it's done (maybe an animation too? that would be cool...)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Couple - Update

Finished modelling everything now: gave both the guy and girl fingernails, fixed up his face, and gave him hair (and a bit of stubble). I also added grass to the base. Now to start polypainting it. First I'm just blocking in base colours. I have to make sure to really work hard on the polypainting to make it look good. I've also figured out how to adjust the background gradient, and change the lighting in the scene.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Compositing Assignment Final Image

The finished product of my lighting and compositing assignment. The ambient occlusion isn't quite right on the jade figures, so they look a little artificial, and I'm not sure why that happened, because it looked fine in Maya. Oh well.

Compositing Assignment Breakdown

Just a breakdown of the different passes I used for my compositing assignment.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Couple - Update

After some mucking around in Marmoset Toolbag 2, and Keyshot and also Zbrush, I've decided I'm going to do the turntable in Zbrush because it renders hair the best. I spent today working on the girl's hair and adjusting her facial features slightly. Next to fix up her hands/arms, then to finish off the guy. Also I still have to figure out how to adjust lighting in Zbrush, and do a turntable. I did a quick BPR without any polypaint, just to see what it might look like, and it looks pretty good, except for the dodgy lighting. Keen as a bean to get this finished and to move onto my next big secret project.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Couple - Update

Just an update on my model of the couple. I gave him baggy jeans and a leather jacket, and a shirt too (obviously, although you can't see it well). Still a long way to go before this is done though. Gotta finish off the jeans, and then give him shoes, maybe fix up/replace her shoes too, then fix up the bodies of both of them (i.e. head/face shape, hands and arms), before I can even think about adding fibermesh for the hair. Getting there though, just working at it bit by bit, day by day.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Compositing Test

Learning to do a bit of basic compositing in Maya. Haven't gotten into any of the Nuke stuff yet. This was rendered with the Arnold Renderer. 3D models on a 2D background. Neat.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Couple

Been working on a super secret project type thing that I'm gonna put heaps of effort into and put in my portfolio when I'm done. So far it's a long work in progress, probably going to take another couple months, maybe less if I cram lots of hours into it and work hard. I really like how the girl's jeans turned out, but her shirt still needs some work, and her shoes could do with a bit of tweaking, or maybe I might just remodel them altogether. As for the guy, well I only started doing his clothes today, so yeah, long way to go yet. Then I still have to fix up their bodies, such as the hands, heads and possibly torsos too, as well as add fibermesh for the hair. Then onto texturing and lighting them too, and maybe I should do something for the base as well (make it natural perhaps? add some flowers?). Far out, big job. Hopefully it'll be worth it in the end.