Sunday, April 26, 2015

Environment Assignment (Updated)

Just another update on my assignment: got nearly everything working fine in the game engine, pretty much just have to do some vertex painting with different textures on the island to mix things up a bit, then I can actually work on getting the stuff I need for the assessment (ie a flythrough, the layout sketches, etc). This isn't in game btw, this is just in the viewport of Unreal Engine 4, since my computer runs the game at a really low resolution for some reason.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Environment Assignment (Concept Art)

So the rubric for our assignment requires us to have created some concept art pieces, but since I already have a concept I'm working off, I created these a little bit later on in the workflow. They're really bad and I didn't put much effort into them, but they're there to try and sort of practice a bit of composition and maybe get some ideas for what kind of lighting I want in my scene in the engine.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Environment Assignment (Progress)

So I haven't posted anything in a while, and I probably should have as I've gone along, but I've been busy working on my environment assignment for school. Just gonna post some progress shots and not talk too much about it because I still have a lot to do. Got some little animations in there with the flags flapping and the bird flying around and the windmill turning, I'll post a video/flythrough when it's done. Also gonna try and get some grass swaying in the wind if I can.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

GentleSnake (Updated)

Been working on a whole lot of stuff at once recently so haven't had much time to blog, but here's a quick update on the Gentlesnake. Finished posing and most modelling, now onto touch ups. Did some polypainting and playing around with lighting in Zbrush to get some renders, but I'm going to render in Keyshot for the final renders anyway so it doesn't matter too much. Here are some more BPR renders. Nearly finished!