Friday, May 30, 2014

Character Assignment - Update

Worked on the head today. Began the long, slow process of adding hair planes to the head. Going to give the beard and hair a base texture too just in case you can see through the hair planes. I've textured the eyeballs but didn't have time for a screenshot, but they look pretty good. The head is probably going to take the longest time, so I wanted to get most of it out of the way. A single hair plane was added for convenience (not really I just forgot to move it).

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Creature Sketch

Decided to draw some strange creature today. In my mind, it's a herbivore/frugivore and occasional insectivore. The horn on his chin is used for digging up the soil to get to delicious roots and worms. The flat parts on his forehead and nose are for battering down trees, and for bashing heads with opponents during mating season. More sketches (and a name) of this creature to come.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Character Assignment - Update

Haven't posted anything for a while, mainly because I've been busy working on my assignment, and other things. Here's where I'm at now with my Viking character, WIP.

Friday, May 16, 2014


More faces from Trickster. Just finishing off things I haven't finished yet. A profile, a face depicting moderate emotional distaste (such a specific and hard to capture emotion), and a furious face.

Coloured pen and pencils on paper.

Character Assignment - Progress Shot

Just where I'm at with the Viking Character assignment. Made a basemesh in Maya, brought it into Zbrush and am currently halfway through modelling it.


I drew a wing, now I can draw anything bird related, clearly. Human-bird hybrid. This is almost getting to be a picture per day...

Pen and pencil on paper.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Feather Study

Continuing on with the bird theme; some feathers I just drew

Wing Study

Learning to draw wings better, to hopefully put on some creature I'll make. Lots of detailed line work here. Sketched some wing bones too because I don't see them except for when I eat chicken wings.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

H. R. Giger

A tribute sketch to the late H. R. Giger, creator of the alien from the Alien franchise, and countless other dark artworks, who died earlier this week.

Rest in peace Mr Giger.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


More facial expressions in the works...
Terrible terrible quality photo as well. Oh well.

Disney Style

Watched Frozen again the other day, then decided to try out some drawing in the style of the Disney cartoons. Not meant to be anybody in particular, just trying to draw Disney-esque features on some dude. Then decided to go one step further and try out hard shadows, since I never do them. Found out it's pretty hard to get them to look right; I still don't really like the ones in this picture.

I call this guy Dennis.

Sunday, May 11, 2014


Probably my favourite picture of her so far. Managed to do a decent-ish job shading using coloured pencils. Gave her a little earring too, although you can't really see it well.

Coloured pencils and pen on paper.


Pinup sketch? I like the pose, it forces me to know my anatomy, that's for sure.
WIP, will be done soon.


Cheeky and flirtatious...


She likes popcorn, remember?
Had a little difficulty with this one, it's a surprisingly tough expression to capture, chewing away happily.


Finally getting round to finishing off all the sketches I did last night.
Pretty good for a sick guy, if I may say so.

Coloured pencils and pen (yes, coloured pen) on paper.


A jump back into Ethernethead's past.
"I hope that cute girl notices me".

This picture is terrible though, because I'm sick and not motivated, and I feel dopey. Felt the urge to finish it off though.


Another expression sketch, sorry.
Sort of a flirty, mischievous look this time.
I like this one, except it wasn't as downward as I wanted it to be. I have to work on the angle more. Also her mouth could be a bit wider, it's a little small at the moment. Hair looks a bit weird too. Her left eye looks a bit dodgy as well.

Too much self criticism, but whatever, shut up Koh. Things to improve on.

Saturday, May 10, 2014


Sketches of Tricksters face; a cheeky smirk and eating popcorn. WIP.
Probably going to do more facial expressions too, it's good practice.
Lots of unfinished stuff, but I'll finish it all, I promise.

Friday, May 9, 2014


Subway shenanigans.
Ethernethead meets a girl. Introducing his yet-to-be-named female counterpart.

Sketch #5. WIP


Name: Trickster (骗子手)
Nationality: Chinese
Age: 22
Personality: mischievous, yet shy, and often childish. Likes to cause chaos and eat popcorn.
Height: 1.6 m (5'3")
Weight: 53 kg (116 lbs)

Why are these stats here: to give a general idea of who Trickster is.
Why did I create her? I have no idea, thought I could create a comic based on her maybe.
Why isn't she wearing anything? I'm not sure. I'll give her clothes later on I guess.

I changed her pose up a little and gave her some scissors... don't ask why. Obviously there's plenty wrong with this but hey, practice makes perfect. Thinking up a story for her now.


Work in progress on a character, called Trickster.

Will post the final image once I'm done finalising and colouring with my plebian coloured pencils (damn I wish I could colour it digitally, I will definitely redo Ethernethead and Trickster and any more things I create when I get my own tablet).


A coffee and a cigarette to help kick Monday mornings in the ass.
"What do you mean that order won't arrive until Friday?!"

Pen and coloured pencil on paper.
Ethernethead's female counterpart coming soon, plus a new character, completely unrelated to Ethernethead.


Since I can't work on my assignment at home because I don't have a graphics tablet, I work on traditional art stuff instead. Sorry for the bad quality photo, it's from my phone, and also my phone wouldn't focus properly.

Sketch #4. WIP

Character Assignment - Side Orthographic

Side view of my viking character, one with the coat and one without. The black hole is where his arm should be.

Character Assignment - Front Orthographic

Creating orthographic images to model from. The front view of my viking character, with his coat and without, so I can model the coat separately.

Thursday, May 8, 2014


"My boss is going to kill me!!"
Pen and coloured pencil on paper.


Rush hour. Papers everywhere. Life sucks.
Sketch #3, playing with perspective and an action pose.


I'm digging this semi-manga style line drawing I've got going on, and I think colouring is good for me, since I don't use colours often enough.

Ethernethead 2.0: Late For Work.


Ethernethead is late for work.
Sketch #2.


Finished coloured Ethernethead. Pen and coloured pencil on paper.


Today I created a character which I call Ethernethead. He's basically just a guy with an Ethernet cable for a head. Just an exercise in drawing human bodies, because I need the practice. I've been trying to think of little pun filled phrases to go along with my sketches of him such as "wired for love" or "he's connected". Thinking of creating a female counterpart for him (with a Ethernet Port for a head, and aptly named Portgirl, obviously), and maybe make a love story of sorts between them, but we'll see what happens. First sketch of Ethernethead. WIP.

Character Assignment - Concept Art

I chose one thumbnail, worked on it a bit more, and then went to colouring it. As you can see, my digital art is pretty pathetic, but hey, something to improve on when I get my own tablet for sure. Screw making a background.

Character Assignment - Thumbnails

My next assignment is to model a viking. As per usual for any project, started with some thumbnails and ideas. The blank space below was for enlarging the thumbnails and developing them further.

Monday, May 5, 2014


A triptych I created for an art assignment, based off a trip to Japan. Inkwash and ink on card, mounted on plywood board.


I created this as a gift for my relatives in Japan. Just some weird creatures mesmerized by vomit. Pen and coloured pencil on card.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Left Handed Drawing - Smokin' Ape

Just your average monkey... smoking a Cuban. Drawn as left-handed as can be.

Left Handed Drawing - Evil Churchill

I didn't actually intend this to be Churchill, but I guess there's a slight resemblance. Also done with my left hand. The hat was coloured in with my right hand though, because who can colour in neatly with their non-dominant hand?

Left Handed Drawing - The Lumberjack

The first of many an art dump; I have a lot of art to come

While I was in Europe earlier this year, I bought a Moleskine and decided that I was going to draw something with my left hand. This was the product: a lumberjack head. I coloured the mouth in with my right hand though, because who has time for that?

Friday, May 2, 2014

Environment Assignment - Flythrough

Our finished project; presented with a flythrough of our environment to show off what we've been working on over the past 6 weeks.

Mad Max The Revenge:
 - Pieter Vennik
 - Austin Cruzado
 - Rhys Cheong
 - Koh Bouckaert
 - Jake Rowlands
 - Brad Siegert

Environment Assignment - In Game Screenshot

Just a quick screenshot of what some of my assets look like in Unity.